David Gohlke photographMy name is Dave Gohlke. I am currently an Energy and Environmental Analyst at Argonne National Laboratory. Specific research interests include the nexus of vehicle electrification and connected/automated vehicles, with an eye toward demographics and market penetration, and the carbon emissions for different vehicle/fuel pathways. Previously, I held a AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellowship at the Vehicle Technologies Office in the Department of Energy.

Previously, I researched atoms and molecules at the nanometer scale using scanning tunneling and atomic force microscopy, observing and controlling individual atoms and their chemical interplay. I earned my Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in physics from Ohio State University studying surface physics and materials science in the research group of Dr. Jay Gupta, and continued on with this research at the University of Regensburg in Germany, in the research group of Dr. Jascha Repp. Before that I majored in mathematics and physics, focusing on nuclear physics, as an undergraduate at Youngstown State University. While there, I was able to participate in an experiment at Argonne, so my research career has now come full circle.

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